A brief about ConstructionAid UK and PAHD(Poverty Alleviation and Human Development) Foundation UK
Constructionaid UK is a volunteering organisation in the UK ,registered in the England and Wales as Limited Company by Guarantee (09911688).Constructioanid UK is supporting to Poverty Alleviation and Human Development(PAHD) Foundation UK, which is also a non-for profit organisation.It is strong collaboration between Constructionaid UK and PHAD to make something change in the society and communities.Core objective for Construcitonaid UK and PHAD are providing training for youth for construction trade to contribute into national economy , to reduce benefit dependency and to solve unemployment problem in the UK.
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There are others activities is being carried out by Constructionaid UK and PHAD which has stated as below:
PAHD (Poverty Alleviation and Human Development Steps ) has started its journey in Bangladesh in 2000 and PAHD (Poverty Alleviation and Human Development)FOUNDATION,UK ha in United Kingdom in 2009 for exploring it’s operation across UK. Poverty Alleviation and Human Development Steps ,Bangladesh” which has been registered as “Non For Profit organization (Charity Registration Number-S 9584/BG,P.2007/08-4440E) ,aiming to explore its activities ,vision and mission across the world. PAHD is trying to making partnership with globally reputed organisation across the globe. PAHd has explored her activities east and north Africa , Latin America and the Caribbean, Sub Saharan Africa, Asia and the Pacific along with some developed countries.
PAHD aiming to make partnership with research based global body along with reputed academic institution, international agencies ,stakeholders ,private sectors, different communities group ,youth to share policy co-relevant research on chronic poverty that has been shared with government donors and civil society as well ,specially focus on the impact of government and NGO policies and programme of poorest and conducting poverty dynamics panel s surveys to inform policy makers on the cause of and solution to, movements into and out of the poverty.
PAHD is a non for profit & charity organisation active in human rights development, social mobilization & poverty reduction and improvement of the quality of life of poor and disabled people, landless, homeless, vulnerable across the globe.
PAHD determined to help the poor and under-privileged people in the world . In order to create employment opportunity among the most neglected people, PAHD had established a micro credit scheme with 0% interest rate to help them in 2007 in Bangladesh. The men were involved in leather goods and women producing NakshiKantha (embroidery) and jute handicrafts. That was the beginning of PAHD.
The organisation since its inception has been working for building institutions of the poor with special emphasis on distressed and disabled people. Main thrust of PAHD’s program is to organised the rural poor women and men into groups in order to enable them manage and control for themselves, identify their problems and also find out solutions as assertive population. Through its committed work world became a leading organisation in the working areas of the world.
As a capacity of a reputed regional level organisation having linkage with many national, regional and international organisations, PAHD has demonstrated many gains and achievements over the last few years, specially in the field of children education, child rights, women rights, and empowering the under privileged with emphasis to disabled children and disabled adolescent girls. PAHD has also gained diverse range of experiences and lessons while implementing different development programs and has been able to give a strong organisational foundation in terms of its core management capacity, physical and other resources base and external network.
Our impact in Locally ,Nationally and Globally :
Constructionaid UK & PAHD team spent last few years delivering innovative ,challenging and fruitful community development program ,helping communities not only targeted local communities but also across UK.
ConstructionAid UK & PAHD trying to share with others organization to support a wealthy of groups and issues to including –the elderly, people with special needs, young people , the arts , faith groups, social enterprises ,heritage and ethnicity.
ConstructionAid UK & PAHD is trying to supporting others organization pioneering innovative ideas in order to encourage leadership and mobilise action at a local level and after then sail it all over the world.
ConstructionAid UK & PAHD team has been trying to get involved more volunteers, trustees, philanthropies those who are willing to contribute to British life .
Our next five years project planning which would lead and create 5000 employment across here in Britain to tackle youth unemployment in line with the statutory frame work and following the guidelines of Government of United Kingdom .We would create awareness among the people regarding the government’s guided and instructed 47 topics and 223 policies –emphasizing ,focusing government’s core organisations and policy area as stated below:
- The Department for Communities and Local Government.
- Local Government
- Housing
- The Department of Energy and Climate Change
- Energy
- The Department for Work and Pensions.
- Employment
- Welfare
- The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills, HM Treasury.
- Business & Enterprise
- Trade and Investment
- UK Economy
- Higher Education
- Further Education and Skills
- Science and Innovation
- The Department of Health
- Public Health
- Social Care
Visionary and dynamic leadership with strategic view to take the challenge ahead guides the implementation team of the organisation. The senior management team with huge track record in the field of development bears strong commitments for organisation and towards its vision….read more
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Find us in Twitter:https://twitter.com/povertyallehd