Fair Politics

Fair Politics For Democracy 

Fair politics are pre-condition to implement good governance across the globe .After the practising democracy vastly after second world war, democracy has become more popular and acceptable policy ,tools across the globe in the history of political science which ensure basic demand of general people all over the world and that’s why Abraham Lincoln once said-“Democracy is for the people, of the people and by the people .But one question has been asked across the globe whether democracy is helpful in developing countries or nation and historical debate has being widespread in social and political arena for massive corruption by political parties where as poor nation or countries people does not understand what kind of power they have in voting right to select right parties to run the country. In the country where 50% people uneducated does not know even how they have  been treating  as human casualties to get the power, even can’t choose the right person , right political parties to run the government. Day by day public service sector or governmental service sector or countries important governmental domain like Justice,Education,revenue,economics,environments,health,international development, foreign affairs etc has being corrupted by political interest  rather than ensuring service for the greater interest of people. In some countries across the world , people are so helpless under the threat of political corruption , above all massive corruption in every sector of governmental domain .that’s why we are trying to create third neutral platform to hear the voice of general people and would create a level playing field to exercise fair politics, to create awareness about fair politics which lead to enhance /enrich /strengthen for fair democracy and we are trying to welcoming people ,public opinion those who thinking national ,international interest than their individual happiness and will come together in a neutral platform ,not biases by corrupted political parties. “Corrupt politics can not pursue people, honest thinking and fair politics should be   replaced by corrupt politics for the greater interest of democracy. Politics should not be treated as business and parliament should not be remarked as business centre in this democratise process. Either we have to reshape the system or have to modify  the democratic policy particularly in developing countries. Fair politics should be exercised every where across the globe for ensuring good governance. Good moral character would combat corrupt politics. Fair politics for democracy(fairpolitics4democracy) is an educational and campaign organization ,researching the policy ,implement it by inter-governmental negotiating process and would build the awareness across the world by thematic consultation process .

Revenge for revenge waiting for time

The munity commenced at approximately 09:30 am on the 25th February , surprisingly by 12 noon prime minister hasian sent junior ministers Sahara khatun and Jahangir kabir nanak to BDR HQ at Pilkhana , as her emissary (diplomatic representation), they met a delegation of the mutineers led by DAD tawheed for a negotiated settlement of the crisis , at the same time the armed forces were given no orders to move against the BDR,.

During the whole revolt the army was ordered to surround the BDR compound but at no time was the compound stormed even though firing was clearly going on. The Awami league government played a dubious role in this incident and gave the rebels ample time to surrender which allowed them to carry out all the massacres they wanted and flee the scene without being caught.

There are many questions that need answering. An analysis of events of the 25-26th February clearly point out the shady role of the Awami League government.

  1. Why did the Awami League government does not have any information on the conspiracy of this magnitude?
  2.  Why did the government send inexperienced ministers to negotiate with the rebels?
  3. Why did the ministers Jahangir Kabir Nanak and Shahara Khatun go in and out of the BDR compound without need for security? Why did they feel safe and secure in such a hostile environment?
  4. Why did PM Hasina give the BDR rebels general amnesty without confirming the fate of the Army officers and their families?
  5. Why did the government move the Army 3km away from the BDR camp and black out the whole area? Effectively allowing the criminals to flee from the scene?
  6. Why did mutineers  killed army ? If any revolt for justice for pay and solve discrimination ,should not include killing . Both force has been destroyed, army and BDR .Who can do that ? Who was involved.
  7. Why this question has not made yet -why Sheik Hasina did not give permission for operation ?

It was planned for very low level mutiny to get sanction for some demands of mutineer’s. What the conspiracy theory instantly had developed to inspire or conspire to kill own army officer then ? It has not been revealed.

Were there any unauthorised personnel employed or deployed? It is not feasible to carry out such scale of massacre to get some demands approval, mutineers cannot kill their own officer. Does declaration of amnesty have inspired to mutineer?

It could have been instant decision for revenge withing AL leaders to kill army officer to use unexperienced BDR officer who never thought it will lead that kind of massacre .Even a uneducated individual dose not have any knowledge of mutiny ,can understand this very simple concept that – killing officers in any mutiny will not get successful outcome .So who and why mutineer did kill army offices ? Who and what were behind this conspiracy ? This answer will come out  in upcoming future by the name of revenge for revenge for time.

We should also consider the Indian response during and after the incident. The BSF sent SMS messages during the rebellion to soldiers in the BDR assuring them of assistance. The Indian media launched a frenzied attack on Islamic militants for apparently carrying out the mutiny and the Bangladesh opposition parties also jumped on this to malign the Islamic groups. The Indian Army and air force was kept ready for assisting the Hasina’s government; not in dealing with the mutiny (the Bangladesh Army is capable of doing that) rather to save the government in case of any threats to its existence. And now the Indian government is making statements that the Hasina government has their full backing and they will not sit idly, if there are any threats from events, post mutiny.

The Indian magazine ‘Outlook’ reported that Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee said in a closed-door meeting of Congress leaders that “… in the current scenario, India is ready to provide any help to Bangladesh …I want to send strong warnings to those who are trying to destabilize Sheikh Hasina’s government that if they continue to do this, India will not remain silent, if necessary, India will directly intervene.” In other words, the Indian political leadership is prepared for the fallout of the incident. It seems that India wants Sheikh Hasina to reform and restructure BDR after the 25th February incident. India has attempted in the past to create a Joint Task force which would undermine Bangladesh’s independence.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said the asked foreign assistance in this regard, basically from India and Indian’s foreign secretary ordered their solders to be prepared for any kind of operation. Why was this? What did it mean? Does it mean if sheikh Hasina thought she might be attacked by army? What did she do so that she was thinking that only India will be helpful rather than own army?  She was feared by army because of her politics against army as she did not let wanted army for operation thinking that if mutineer would get time, they would kill army dedicated officer and she would get revenge. To protect her from any kind of own army intervention, she was depended on Indian’s intervention. Only an offender gets fear if he or she commits crime in hostile environment.

Army officers publicly contested Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s decision to resolve the rebellion through political rather than military means. She should not have sat for negotiations with the mutineers, nor sent government ministers and her party leaders to talk to the rebels, nor declared a general amnesty (later clarified to exclude the killers). Instead, the army should have been allowed to ‘crush’ the rebellion. It would have been over in a matter of minutes. Lives of precious army officers would have been saved.

A military operation would probably have resulted in more deaths, of hostage officers and their family members, and also of civilians, living in adjacent densely populated neighbourhoods. That anti-aircraft guns could hardly have been used to flush out rebels hiding among innocent people living in residential quarters and office buildings. That terrorists and hostage-takers could have been attacked, but only after all other means had failed. That news of an army operation could have led to a nationwide escalation since the rebellion had spread to other parts of the country. That it was undoubtedly a massive intelligence failure. That even though the army had borne the brunt of the BDR carnage, parliamentary discussions, and public debate on corruption in the army should go ahead.

Calls for the formation of an all-party parliamentary inquiry committee have not been heeded by the Government.

Discontentment had been the issue. Over food rations (three months, as compared with twelve for the army), denial of UN peacekeeping mission services, low pay (the average BDR guard earns about 70 dollars a month), non-payment of promised daily allowances for extra duties rendered, corruption in the officer ranks. What appeared to have rankled most was army control, since the BDR administration and nearly all its officers are from the army. In the words of one mutineer, ‘we are not against the nation, or the Government. We want that the BDR should belong to the BDR.

The answer is simple. They saw that immediately after the initial incident with a single BDR soldier, the DG talked to PM, CAS, DG DGFI; Colonel Gulzar talked to RAB, CGS, DMO and others. Colonel Gulzar asked CO RAB 2 Liutenant Colonel Zaman to send only FIVE soldiers! All were hopeful that some help would arrive.

The officers of RAB 10, after arriving near Gate no 5 at 10:30am, saw the obvious choice of deploying near Gate 5 and along the low-height outer perimeter wall separating Peelkhana from the civilian area. They were certain that the area could be the most suitable stretch of place for storming into Peelkhana and also for a quick extrication. But at around 11:30am, the Additional DG of RAB Colonel Rezanur (cousin of Bahauddin Nasim) ordered RAB 10 through the CO to move away to Beribadh Area about 3km from Peelkhana. Bewildered and confused with this order, RAB 10 had to move out leaving Gate 5 and moved to Beribadh area for assuming the role of sitting pregnant ducks.

That was how Colonel Rezanur, one of the elder siblings of Mir Zafor Ali khan of Palassey, ensured that BDR killers had a free run through that area after they completed their crime against humanity. It also ensured that the looted arms and ammunitions could be easily sent to the house of ward commissioner Torab Ali for onward distribution to BCL cadres.

The team of 14 BDR men went to the residence of PM at 3:30pm. And after discussion that lasted about 150 minutes, the PM declared general amnesty to all killers ignoring the fact that dead bodies of two officers were already found. During the entire period of discussion, PM didn’t ask a single time about the fate of other officers. Nobody also told about the fate of the officers. The PM wanted peaceful negotiation. The government concluded that it was a peaceful and politically solved mutiny. Well, that means the lives of 57 officers have no value! Their value lay only in monetary grant, state funeral and flats and cheques from banks. What a treacherous traitor! How can a PM of a nation be such a traitor!! To those intellectuals of the country and of India who think that a military action would have caused a ‘civil war’ or could have caused more lives, it can be said that a military action starting at around 11:30 am would have ended within two hours maximum.

You blind intellectuals, please search the history of the entire mankind. You will find that whenever there was no “right cause” of a mutiny, it ended immediately on being intervened militarily. That is how Major General Matin, the then GOC 9 Infantry Division, quickly solved the Ansar revolt at Shafipur within 30 minutes. Did Indian government solve the Mumbai attack politically? Why not? Only civilians were kept hostage in Mumbai. If army moved in, the BDR troops, who were not well organized at 11:30, would have surrendered and some of them would have fled. Instead, the PM declared a general amnesty, knowing fully well that officers were killed, thus giving a free chit to kill and torture.

PM was time and again informed that the families were being tortured. She was unmoved. CAS was informed by the national monitoring cell of the conversation between BDR troops and outsiders. The BDR troops were narrating how they were killing officers and torturing their families. CAS asked the officer at the monitoring cell “not to be emotional”. Mirza Azam ensured brutal murder of Colonel Gulzar, avenging the death of his criminal relative Shykh Abdur Rahman. He was frequently talking to his BDR contacts inside Peelkhana over cell phone on 25th February. He instructed the killers to gouge out the eyes of Gulzar and break his spinal cord. Colonel Emdad, sector commander Khulna, was alive in the toilet of darbar hall at least up to 1:30pm. He offered his zohr prayer and talked to his wife. Colonel Aftab, sector commander Rangpur, sent 3 sms to his senior colleagues (one brigadier and two colonels) at 4:30pm stating “I am alive in darbar hall, pls rescue us”. And still in the parliament the PM keeps lying that all the officers were killed by 10:30am. And still the AL and their entire team of foot-lickers swear by God that all killings ended by 11 am.  On 25th February night about 7 to 9 white speed boats were used to let the fleeing BDR killers cross Buriganga. Haji Selim coordinated the entire effort. Local civilians were asked to move away from the scene by the associates of Haji Selim. If you kindly recall a news coverage at 1:00 am on 25th night where some local eyewitnesses were interviewed. They told that they had seen a few speed boats plying across the river, but they were forced out of the place by some political workers.

Subjective belief

When an independent enquiry or investigation will be carried out in future, it will  be revealed  that AL were  involved for BDR carnage to take revenge against Army .This incident has triggered a new chapter and controversy in the politics and relationship between Army and AL again which can be predicted that one more revenge might be happened in upcoming future to launch crackdown against political corruption.

My question among the person those who still alive-“Did they get any norm of indication from the government which might have encourage very few personal to committing massacre, looting, rape wife of officer and torture children and women”?

 It was provided by prime minister office, a clear sense of support or encouragement which lead BDR mutineer to commit massacre and targeted most honest and powerful officer such as colonel Gulzar example who was mainly involved in 2007-2008 army operation or one of decision maker, he also had been transferred from RAB to BDR tactfully to kill him.

Revenge has been taken from India regarding boarder, destroying two important institutions in Bangladesh. Army is being suffered withing institution. It will take so long to get moral energy withing BDR inside country and to gain moral energy to protect boarder. It will be more difficult if corrupted politician does manipulate this institution by political corruption. At the same time whole BDR has been suffered within country. We don’t know how many BDR force has been fled to India and died or killed over there.

We don’t know how many armies and BDR officers has been killed for the name of investigation to hide information or destroy real information.

We have faced grates tragedy in our county which was 1975 when army has assassinated to Bangabandhu Sheik Mojubur Rahman . Revenge has been taken by Sheik Hasina in his powerful position within party by BDR mutiny.

BDR munity was a revenge against good or bad activities which had done by Army & BDR against AL without revealing the information that who were mastermind behind and who are beneficiaries and who are injured parties.

What kind of political step has taken by AL to solve rebellion? It was completely fruitless outcome because both army and BDR has been destroyed. Huge pain will be carried  out within institution for both Army or BDR for next couple of decade ,even more than century , does not matter how many officer will be injected by other country into Army or BDR , by having blessing from India or any other country .Ultimately sufferer will be democracy of Bangladesh, power of most important institution Army who does protect sovereignty of Bangladesh , ultimately Bangladesh will be failure one day and all citizens or whole nation  will be suffered.

There is a rumour that general solder including mutineers were flew to India or encourage to flew to India to trap by means for giving shelter but later most of them has been killed to destroy witness and evidence who are directly or indirectly involved in BDR mutiny.

One more revenge will be waiting to get back this injustice against army and BDR.


Author : Md Somon Ahmed, Executive Director of Poverty Alleviation & Human Development Foundation, UK

Editorial materials by Md Sohel Ahmed

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